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Benite Beauty salon owner doing repairs on natural dreadlock in need of fixing broken dreads.


"If we worked on the assumption that what is accepted as true really is true, then there would be little hope for advance."
Orville And Wilbur Wright  

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Bee is the CEO & Founder of Braids by Bee Inc. Salon and render services that is her own artistic value.  Bee is the originator of InstantLoc Dread Extensions™ which is her own technique created from Repairing and growing healthy Natural Dreadlocks.  Bee has over 25 years of experience serving the community.  With clients world-wide Bee is well known by her clients and their children and family members.  

Benite Corion is the owner of Braids by Bee inc. and has been serving the greatest South Florida areas since 2011.  Benite Grew raise and born in Brooklyn, NY had a rough life.  However, thru many struggles was able to appreciate her talent learned at an early age.  Braiding Hair for years as a youth was an outlet for Benite growing up always had a purpose and way to serve one.  Never did I think I would own my salon and become a trendsetter in the beauty industry.  Since the age of 12 I would give out handmade gift car​ds to students in my school and charge the boys and girls to do their hair.  I was about making money at an early age.   Although thru years I have attempted other business ventures I always came back to my true love doing hair.  In early 2011 I decided to patent my brand as well as create a new product and service to the beauty industry.  It took almost 2 years, but my patent was finally approved.  

Many don't realize that my techniques and relevant services to those who have natural dreadlocks became a hit to many clients who needed this but didn't know what can be done.  I also discovered what clients needed by the many different request clients would send me.  Growing up I started my Cousins Dreadlocks and my Ex-Boyfriend dreadlocks.  I realize they both had different textures of hair and would not Lock up the same way.  I discovered there was many different methods in starting one's dreadlocks as well as different options for people with different texture hair.  But most of all What I have learned is that Natural human hair goes thru states of wear and tear as well.  

I would often laugh back then at my cousin who would come to me and complain about his hair falling out or ripping apart and he wanted it fix.  He would not take NO for an answer he was determined to have his hair put back in.  Now this was shocking to me because not only is he a man, but he had so much more hair that he really would not be missing anything.  But the point was he was attached to his hair, and he wanted it back.  I realize many others needed this type of help and started to advertise it first on YouTube.  This made me go viral and since then have been a global stylist.  

In 2018 My first salon was downsized, and I started over and moved to a salon suite from a retail salon.  I moved to be able to travel more and provide services internationally.  Since relocating and rebranding our services we have been expanding our business and also have been part of small business advocacy and Meta groups to offer more opportunities to our community.  

At this time Braids by Bee inc. is expanding and will be taking appointments in Fort Lauderdale, FL and Norfolk, VA at this time we only have two locations.  We are also in the process of working with local state and counties to offer classes our online classes.  We will be bidding on contracts and applying for grants to build our brand which you will be included because we will need your help to spread the word and support in any ways you can.  Stay tuned for more coming from Benite Corion the owner of Braids by Bee inc. and  InstantLoc Dread Extensions. 

Braids By Bee is set up to work by appointments for her time as a stylist she is the one who does all the hands-on work and has assistance to cater to her needs when doing a client's hair.  Bee also sometimes not able to answer calls, text or emails right away due to fact she does all the hands-on work at salon.  Many times, offering consultations to clients in person before scheduling a confirmed appointment.  Bee has not encountered any client she did not find a solution for which is why she is the master at her craft.  Bee is known to invent her own techniques which are all her copyright and trademarked services offered at her Salon Braids by Bee @ The Braiding Depot located in Lauderhill, Fl. 

woman-working-on-beach-with dreadlocks

About Us


I’m Benite Corion Bee aka. The Dread Doctor, the owner of Braid By Bee Inc™ but also known as DreadsbyBee, and I’m here to offer a new, unique and amazing high-quality hair braiding product miles ahead of any competition you can find!  

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women with dreadlock extensions


Dread Extensions

Our Brand


              Over the last few decades, Dreadlocks and Braids have integrated themselves into popular culture and are considered hugely fashionable in many circles. Lots of young people have decided to go in for the look with mixed results depending on who they go to, to get their dreads done.


            With customers pouring in from all sorts of income brackets, it’s not surprising that the product they get varies significantly in terms of quality too. As we know high quality products cost money, and when it comes to dreadlocks, you really do get what you pay for.

          A lot of people today want the look but do not wish to invest in high quality products that use real hair. Instead, they prefer to invest in products that use synthetic hair and are hence much cheaper. However, such products come with hidden costs in terms of the look and its longevity.

       For example, I’ve seen many young people today go in for a product called Faux Locs, which uses low-cost synthetic hair called Marley Hair, and then come to my Salon to correct their errors because they weren’t satisfied with the fake hair.  They complain of the Look of being shiny, and it unravels, and they love the look but the quality is not there.  Faux Locs have been known to get sticky and tangle together as well and get way too frizzy. In some cases they unravel and look to shiny implying they are synthetic dreadlocks.  

       Another thing I’ve heard users complain about is the sheer weight of those things and how painful it can sometimes be to be hauling those extra pounds on your head.

My product, InstantLoc Dread Extensions™,

side steps all these problems and gives you a natural,

long term look free of hassles. Braids By Bee™ use real,

high quality, organic hair in my extensions ™  

Also, A warning many people imitate Braids By Bee™ work and does not know How Braids By Bee™ Install her InstantLoc Dread Extensions.

   Braids By Bee has a protocol and keeps her clients for years to come when installing these Dreads, She believes in hair growth and starting a new journey with clients who wants this look with a passion but one who wants quality work done and by the Originator herself. 

An Idea is Born

Benite Corion aka as Braids By Bee™ has been doing Braids and Dreadlocks for over 30 years.  The Idea of Dread Extensions was created from helping those with natural dreads repair there issues that they were  naturally having.  This technique has been done by Braids by Bee for over 20 years now and is Named InstantLoc Dread Extensions.  You can find out more on


My First Client that I experimented on 

My idea came from helping my cousin who had natural curly hair and tried to Loc up his hair 3 times before finally getting it right.  He as who I experimented on trying different techniques of Locking up and trust me we tried many.  What initially had his Loc to finally mature properly is after creating Locs I then took string and wrapped his hair from top to bottom undetectable.  This formed the Loc to stay in place till it became official.  



A Loctician Was Born

They say once you have over 15,000 hours of a craft you are considered an expert at your craft.  Considering all my trials and errors I have encountered all types of dreads that needed repairs through out the years.  Also needing dreads from scratch to replace what is missing.  This gave me the awesome idea of starting dreadlocks on a whole head who never had dreads with my technique.  Which I call InstantLoc Dread Extensions.  Reason for the name is because through out the years initiation styles like Faux Locs have appeared and there is a big difference between the two.  Faux Locs is a term for synthetic Locs and Instant Locs is a term for Human Hair Dread Extensions. 


The Ones who grasp my idea first

I had a knack for starting Dreads on the most complicated hair which is Caucasian hair.  The challenge was there hair was too straight to start dreads naturally like so many.  My technique worked great for there hair.  I have Chinese, Arab, Mexican, Puerto Rican, Domincan, Venezuelan, Haitian, Japanese, Caucasian, Haitian, African all types of clients this technique works great on and give you the instant gratification of not waiting to have the look you want today.  


Using Mobile Phones



Loc Repairs 

My dreads were thin in many areas and needed repairs. I would tie them in knots or put rubber bands on them not wanting to lose any of my dreads. Braids by Bee offers repairs and when I saw her method I was amazed. I've been looking for a solution for years for my dreads not only she repaired them they feel and look great she rejuvenated my dreadlocks and made me proud of my crown.

surfer-on-the-beach-with full head of dreadlocks

Natural Locs with Instantlocs 

She made me into such a good looking person and boosted my self-esteem by far. There is nothing like this by my house or anywhere around here and Mrs. Bee is the Real Deal. So only go to Mrs. Bee at Braids by Bee and you will be glad you did. Special Thanks to Mrs. Bee and Mrs.Ta'Shy for a brand new appealing look.

Dreadlocks back view of starter locs with extensions

InstantLoc Dread Extensions 

The best decision I ever made was first going natural, but when my hair started growing so much. I Always love to do Kinky twist which look like dreads. However I had to keep getting it done every 3 months, until I found Bee with these InstantLoc Dread extensions. I wanted them I did my research and found BraidsbyBee her process was very easy and I drove here from Alabama and was well worth the trip. I love my new look.

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